A collection of interviews, profiles and press coverage
“On Counterfactual History of Science.” With Samara Greenwood. The HPS Podcast. 29 June.
“You’ve Been Lied to About Genetics.” By Jake Brown. This brilliant Youtube film features my research on genetics.
“The Battle over Mendel with Gregory Radick.” Directed by Maria Pinto. Part of the Mendel Stories series from the Konrad Lorenz Institute.
Short Q&A on my recent research in the history of genetics. With Daniel Fairbanks. Featured on the Genetics Society website as part of the Mendel 200 celebrations.
“What Happened Next: Disputed Inheritance.” By Carolyn Allen. Leverhulme Trust Annual Review 2021, pp. 88‒9.
“Did Gregor Mendel Fabricate His Data?” With Mira Lazine. Discover magazine (online edition). 12 September. The full Q&A can be read here.
Interview with two members of the Leeds undergraduate HPS Society, Fariha Choudhury and David Chesters, 28 January.
“Discovering Darwin: Everyone Has a Tell.” James Wagner, Sarah Bray & Mark Jackson. In the last 32 minutes there’s a lively discussion of my 2010 paper “Darwin’s Puzzling Expression.”
“Mendel’s Trick.” With Phil Sansom. Naked Scientists Podcast. 14 August.
“Scientific Priestcraft [on Mendelian determinism and W. F. R. Weldon’s critique of it].” With Angela Saini. Superior: The Return of Race Science (London: Fourth Estate), ch. 3, pp. 72-4.
“What Would Have Happened if Darwin and Mendel Had Been on Twitter?” With Kat Arney. Genetics Unzipped Podcast. 11 April. (See too her “Fifty Shades of Peas,” 31 January, and the discussion of my research on Weldon in her Herding Hemingway’s Cats: Understanding How Our Genes Work (London: Bloomsbury, 2016), pp. 210‒11.)
“Rewriting the Teaching Course for Genetics.” With Kerri Smith. Nature Podcast. 17 May.
“Second thoughts: Revisiting the past can help to inform ideas of the present.” Nature Editorial. 17 May.
“Ideas & Ghosts.” With Lorraine Daston. Discussion about “The Unmaking of a Modern Synthesis: Noam Chomsky, Charles Hockett, and the Politics of Behaviorism, 1955-1965.” Isis 107: 49-73, reproduced on the Isis Facebook Page. 20 May.
“Mendel in the Hot Seat, 1902.” With Karen Zusi. The Scientist. 1 Feb.
“¿Fue Mendel el padre de la mala praxis científica?” With Javier Sampedro. El Pais. 12 October.
“Beyond our Kuhnian Inheritance: A recent lecture by Prof Greg Radick questions our scientific inheritance, through textbook histories of genetics and Thomas Kuhn’s legacy.” By Rebekah Higgitt. The Guardian. 28 August.
“The Simian Tongue.” With Matthew Treherne, LHRI Director. University of Leeds. 31 January.
“On the trail of Darwin in Ilkley.” With BBC News. 26 October.
ɢreg ʀadick, “Darwin: Past, present and future.” Leeds University Reporter 546: 14 December 2009.
“Darwin: Past, present and future.” Leeds University Reporter 546: 14 December 2009.
“Taking the Waters.” With Yvette Huddleston and Walter Swan. Yorkshire Post 24 October 2009.
“Greg Radick, FAQs [on the publication of The Simian Tongue]” Leeds University Reporter 533: 28 April 2008
“Greg Radick, FAQs [on the publication of The Simian Tongue]” Leeds University Reporter 533: 28 April 2008
“Evolution on the Banks.” With Lori Varga. Rutgers University Alumni Association.